Ray Dalio Goes Long GoldI just read this CNBC article that Ray Dalio is going long Gold. He believes that the markets are undergoing a paradigm shift and he might be right. July 22, 2019 Coin Collecting Gold Real Estate Investing Investing posts

Always Be LearningI always need to be learning. If I’m not pushing myself out of my comfort zone or just plain learning ‘cool shit,’ I just get bored and cranky. This June 29, 2019 Personal Development posts

Real Estate Buying GuideI want to share my experiences as a Real Estate Investor (REI) and expert in the engineering field as a way to help novice real estate buyers. My June 18, 2019 Real Estate Investing Investing posts

Real Estate Flippers are Flipping OutIt’s been a long time since I wrote anything related to Real Estate (RE), especially about flipping houses. I heard on Bloomberg yesterday that the June 11, 2019 Real Estate Investing Investing Business Ideas Entrepreneurship posts

Vanguard's Total Index ETF - VTI Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links and at no June 2, 2019 Investing Retirement 401k Retirement posts

MLI with RSparklingLast evening my colleague Navdeep Gill (@Navdeep_Gill_) posted a link to his latest talk titled “Interpretable Machine Learning with RSparkling.” June 1, 2019 AI Machine Learning h2oai posts

Best Airline & Hotel Rewards Credit CardsI do a lot of traveling for work these days. I’m on a plane at least 5 times a month and have long stay overs at least once a month. I’m not May 26, 2019 Reviews posts

Passive Investing & IncomeI’ve written about this countless times but I’m a big fan of passive investing in the markets. By doing less, I actually gain a lot more in returns. May 25, 2019 Investing Retirement 401k Retirement posts

The Ye Old Blog ListBack when I started blogging in 2005-ish, I had a few blogs that destructed due to bad software or databases. My Sixth World News and Commentary May 20, 2019 Personal Development posts

Interpreting Machine Learning Models I found this short 8 minute video from H2O World about Machine Learning May 9, 2019 h2oai AI Machine Learning posts