Investing in the S&P500 beats AI TradingI forgot to link to this image back in early May 2019. It’s from Bloomberg and it makes a lot of sense, maybe eye opening for some. Essentially it November 26, 2019 Investing AI Machine Learning posts
Market TrendsIdentifying stock market trends is like eating and drinking the Zeitgeist. It has to be inside you to understand it. You have to be social, go November 25, 2019 Investing Stock Market Trends TRTC MSFT TGT posts
Downloading SEC.GOV dataI’ve finally found a way to download SEC.GOV data in a consistent and less stressful way. I want to give the University of Notre Dame Software November 11, 2019 Python AI Machine Learning posts
Managing Your Time with StoicismLately I’ve been reading Seneca as part of my exploration of Stoicism. There’s a lot of great things here and I recommend you check out the video November 10, 2019 Personal Development posts
Auto Support Resistance Lines in ForexOn the heels of my last post, I’ve extended those functions to the EURUSD pair. The data starts from this year 2019 and goes through to yesterday. November 8, 2019 Python AI Machine Learning Investing posts
Isolation Forests in H2O.aiA new feature has been added to H2O-3 open source, isolation forests. I’ve always been a fan of understanding outliers and love using One Class October 11, 2019 h2oai AI Machine Learning posts
The Big RocksI’m back in Silicon Valley for a few days to attend our yearly Sales Engineering (SE) training. It’s a great way for the growing SE team to get October 10, 2019 Personal Development posts
How Blogging Led to My Personal GrowthIt’s hard to believe that I’ve been blogging now for over 12 years. I’ve written 100’s of posts, some short and some long. I’ve had my shares of ups October 9, 2019 Personal Development Blogging posts
Back to MontrealQ3 is over. It’s been over for a day already but it seems like it was a week ago. This has been one of the busiest Q3’s in my career as a Sales October 2, 2019 Travel posts
The Myth of the 4 Hour Work WeekA few months ago I got a copy of Tim Ferriss’s The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich book because my niece August 1, 2019 Book Review posts