The Contrarian Case for Getting ActiveRight before the New Year I posted an article on Medium titled “Is Passive Investing Going to Kill Us?” It centers around one particular chart where January 15, 2020 Investing Retirement 401k Retirement Python posts
Working on 2020Happy New Year readers! Granted it’s already 10 days into the new year but I’ve been having a well deserved break and easing back into work. Now January 10, 2020 Personal Development posts, pub-9186816366360358, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 January 1, 2020
Keras Deep Learning Cheat Sheet in PythonA Keras cheat sheet provided by KDNuggets that no longer works. I had to go to the Wayback Machine to find it and update it for you, my lovely January 1, 2020 Python Keras Deep Learning zettelkasten
Domain HunterA GitHub repo on how to check for expired domains with good reputation. This is good for building up good SEO. Domainhunter January 1, 2020 Domain Flipping GitHub Passive Income SEO zettelkasten
Dunkelweizen-All Grain Dunkelweizen Homebrew Beer RecipeOne of my favorite beer brewing recipes. Beer Stats Method: All Grain Style: Dunkelweizen Boil Time: 60 min Batch Size: 5.5 gallons (ending kettle January 1, 2020 zettelkasten
Morgan Stanley Layoffs, VTI keeps climbingYesterday Morgan Stanley announced a 2% reduction in workforce across the entire organization. It’s citing an “uncertain global environment.” That’s December 10, 2019 Investing posts
How to Recognize AI SnakeoilMy colleague posted an interesting Princeton presentation to our group Slack channel. It’s about how AI is being used in social interactions such as December 5, 2019 AI Machine Learning posts
Go Master Quits, AI too powerfulI just read that Lee Sedol is retiring from the competitive Go world because of AlphaGo. The South Korean said he had decided to retire after December 1, 2019 AI Machine Learning posts
AI Trading & Lehman Brothers?WOW! I posted this over 12 years ago. Talk about being spot on the money! I hate to do this but I’m going to quote myself here: I firmly believe November 27, 2019 AI Machine Learning Investing posts