TensorFlow & Julia on a Jetson NanoA few months ago I bought a Jetson Nano as a Christmas present for myself. I promptly got busy with work and life and forgot to set up until a month April 20, 2020 AI Machine Learning posts
Software is eating the WorldI started playing bass guitar when I was in high school. The whole goal was to make our own music and get ‘chicks.’ I won’t lie, I was a horny April 16, 2020 AI Machine Learning posts
AI is EvolvingI posted about AutoML-zero in my newsletter a few weeks ago. I found genetic programming and applying evolutionary search for machine learning to be April 14, 2020 AI Machine Learning posts
Things will change after COVID19After 5 weeks of self isolation I’ve finally gotten a chance to think about a post Covid19 world. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that April 8, 2020 Health Privacy posts
You Need Goals in Times Like TheseI hope that this blog post finds all of my readers happy and healthy. It feels really strange having to write that because of all the death that’s April 6, 2020 Personal Development Health posts
Joining the Indie WebI don’t remember how I found it but I learned about the Indie web from this blog post. The Indie Web is a movement to reclaim your authorship and March 21, 2020 Blogging posts
Stock and Fund Shopping ListThe markets have been in a complete freefall over the past few weeks. The likely culprit is Trump’s mishandling of the Covid-19 (aka Coronavirus) March 19, 2020 Investing Retirement 401k Retirement Stock Market Trends posts
Forex Trading Bot in PythonI have had some time to continue on my Python Forex Trading Bot (code borrowed from here and tweaked by me) now that we’re all self isolating. This March 17, 2020 Investing Trading Python Forex Trading Tutorials posts
Groovy over Python?After a few frustrating events where I had some python code blow up because of dependencies, I started looking hard a using Groovy going forward. March 5, 2020 AI Machine Learning Python posts
Groovy for Data ScienceI was looking through Reddit the other day and came across an interesting post in r/Groovy. The group itself has been relatively dead for a while January 17, 2020 AI Machine Learning Groovy posts