Groovy over Python?

After a few frustrating events where I had some python code blow up because of dependencies, I started looking hard a using Groovy going forward.

For some simple things, Groovy and Python are very easy. For example if I wanted to read the latest sales from Park.IO and print them out, I could do the following in Python on my Mac.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('')

print (df)

If I tried that on my old Raspberry Pi, I’d run into dependency issues w.r.t. to Numpy not compiling correctly.

With Groovy, it’s roughly the same but no need to call a module, it’s just built in.

String getResult = new URL('').text

print getResult

And that works on my Raspberry Pi.

Granted, I don’t really need all the multi-threading power of Java to run this simple program but the portability is nice.

March 5, 2020