Microsoft the AI PowerhouseI’ve been a long term shareholder of MSFT and I’ve been rewarded quite well. Under the leadership of CEO Nadella, Microsoft has become and AI May 7, 2019 AI Machine Learning Investing posts

Phone Addiction The family and I took a cruise over Spring Break and had a blast. Even though I April 22, 2019 Millennials posts

Machine Learning Making Pesto TastierNow this is something I can get behind, using machine learning to make Pesto tastier! The article is really about growing Basil with higher April 4, 2019 AI Machine Learning posts

The Pyschology of WritingI found this interesting article on Pocket about writing. The gist of it is that successful writing is about rituals. Every writer is different and March 29, 2019 Personal Development posts

Investing in 2019 and beyondThe r/investing sub cracks me up sometimes. This guy has had enough of the sub because all it spews is how great Buffet is and dollar cost March 19, 2019 Real Estate Investing Investing Retirement 401k Retirement posts

TensorFlow and High Level APIs I got a chance to watch this great presentation on the upcoming release of TensorFlow v2 by Martin Wicke. He goes over March 16, 2019 AI Machine Learning posts

A Traveling Sales EngineerWriters gonna write! February is shaping up to be a big traveling month for me. I was in Mountain View at the end of January for Sales Kick Off and February 17, 2019 Travel Personal Development posts

Functional Programming in PythonI’m spending time trying to understand the differences between writing classes and functions in Python. Which one is better and why? From what I’m January 13, 2019 Python AI Machine Learning posts

Feature Engineering in Driverless AIDmitry Larko, Kaggle Grandmaster, and Senior Data Scientist at goes into depth on how to apply feature engineering in general and in January 9, 2019 h2oai AI Machine Learning posts

What's new in Driverless AI? Arno, H2O’s CTO, gave a great 1+ hour overview in what’s new with Driverless AI version 1.4.1. If you check back in a December 26, 2018 AI Machine Learning h2oai posts