Boost Passive Income with Hugo CMSThis short post is just a way to get my thoughts down on “paper” about using Hugo to hyper-scale niche websites. I’ve been researching niche October 22, 2022 Tutorials Hugo SEO Passive Income posts

How Do You Know Your Go To Market (GTM) Strategy Is Working?The most important thing any business or person can do is build a Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy. This is how you will sell yourself or your product in October 22, 2022 Startups Strategy posts

FB Prophet ForecastingThis tutorial will show you how many followers you should expect in the coming days and weeks using the Facebook Prophet (FBProphet) python package. October 11, 2022 Tutorials Python posts

A New Direction For This BlogSeptember has come and gone. Autumn is in full swing now and everyone is prepping for the winter. September was a busy month for me, both personally October 4, 2022 Blogging Personal Development Business Ideas Entrepreneurship posts

Data Science and Machine Learning RoundupIn this week’s Data Science and Machine Learning link round-up, we’ll share some links that caught our (my) eye during the past few weeks. January 30, 2022 Data Science Machine Learning posts

Open Source ExploitationHere’s what I say, feel free to fork it. Feel free to build whatever “consortium” you want, but it’s going to be a futile effort. You won’t be able to use the original name in your forked product or service, so you won’t get brand recognition. You won’t have an in-depth understanding of the codebase or the years of experience that the developers, maintainers, and makers have January 20, 2022 Entrepreneurship posts

You Are An Expendable Organic RobotMassive tornadoes ripped through a big portion of the Heartland a few days ago. The fact that we’re having tornadoes in December is for another post December 13, 2021 Work posts

Python to the RescueI’m evaluating whether or not I should move this blog to another CMS platform so I can start building a community around it like it was before. November 14, 2021 Data Science AI Machine Learning Python posts

Restarting the SiteI shut Neural Market Trends down on the last day of August thinking it was going to be for good. Things have changed on my end and I’m thinking of November 10, 2021 Data Science AI Machine Learning Blogging posts

Kubernetes & Julia LanguageI’m coming up on my 3rd anniversary at and we’ve embarked on an interesting pivot of sorts. Our new product is based on Kubernetes. At first August 1, 2021 Kubernetes Julia Language Data Science AI Machine Learning posts