Automation and Universal Basic IncomeThere was a big news sensation about Burger King workers quitting en masse in Lincoln, Nebraska. All 11 Burger King employees quit because: “We July 16, 2021 Life posts

Work From Home is Here to StayWork from home (WFH) is here to stay if you’re lucky and fight for it. I keep hearing from my customers that more and more companies are starting to July 15, 2021 Blogging posts

Passive Income UpdateI’ve stopped posting about my various investments that I use to generate passive income because no one cares. Sure they want to find out some ideas July 1, 2021 Investing Retirement Passive Income Coast FIRE Dividend Investing posts

The Meme Stocks GME, AMC, and BBI’m still in awe watching retail traders en masse push these stocks to highs or even new highs. It all started with Gamestock (GME) a few months ago June 3, 2021 Investing Trading Stocktwits posts

One Year of SEO OptimizationIn April 2020 my blog was barely alive. I had moved to Hugo from Pelican and ignored any kind of SEO optimization for it. I thought it was stupid April 23, 2021 SEO Strategy Blogging posts

Time Series for H2O with Modeltime Matt Dancho, founder of Business Science Introduced to H2O-3 via the AutoML package Sample code in R shared Sample April 22, 2021 H2Oai AI Machine Learning posts

H2O Wave App TutorialsJust like what I did with my general H2O-3 Tutorials, I’m starting a seperate H2O Wave Tutorial post for you all here. I will add to this as I go April 2, 2021 H2Oai Tutorials Python posts

Passive Income - T DividendsThere are many reasons why I hold AT&T ($T) for my passive income goals. The first one is that it was around during the Great Depression and the March 20, 2021 Retirement 401k Retirement Investing Trading Dividend Investing Stocktwits T posts

Is 20booksto50k the right solution?I’m done with my Medium vs Adsense experiment here. This is all part of a passive income strategy evaluation game I’m playing. I’m trying to see if March 19, 2021 Passive Income SEO Strategy posts

Waved March 18, 2021 posts