Sentiment Analysis of Tweets With Python, NLTK, Word2vec & Scikit-learn - Marcin Zabłocki blogA good tutorial on how do advanced sentiment analysis. The goal of this project was to predict sentiment for the given Twitter post using Python. March 5, 2023 Data Science Python NLP zettelkasten
Don't Swim Against the Tide!For years I fought against certain trends on the Internet. I fought against the siloing of your data by the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Medium. February 23, 2023 GTM Strategy Startups posts
Be Ruthless With Your TimeI’ve written about Big Rocks and Questioning Productivity before but all my ideas come down to one simple thing, being ruthless with your time. You February 23, 2023 Self Development posts
Peer Groups Are Key To Building A High Growth StartupI’m listening to Elad Gil’s High Growth Handbook and came across a gem that needs to be written about now. It’s about joining peer groups and February 23, 2023 Startups Strategy posts
AtomicityEach slip contained a single and complete idea (a concept his followers call “atomicity”). An idea might be as short as a simple sentence, or as February 16, 2023 Reference Time Management Organization zettelkasten
Analog Zettelkasten MethodYouTube video of a history professor talking about how he uses Obsidian but is considering using the old analog method of writing notes after being February 16, 2023 Time Management Organization Reference zettelkasten
About Zettelkasten MethodFound a detailed website from a German about Zettelkasten and how to organize it. Let us begin with the most important traits of a February 16, 2023 Reference Organization Time Management zettelkasten
Questioning ProductivityThe other day I posted a question on LinkedIn. I wondered “Why are we productive? Is it just to be busy or advance the mission?” Everyone I know has February 16, 2023 Self Development posts
Installing WriteFreely on AWS LightSailI recently discovered WriteFreely and decided to install it at to test it. I set it up on AWS Lightsail using the smallest December 11, 2022 Tutorials posts
How To Install Python On Your Computer — The Easy WayI use the programming language Python almost every day. I use it for work, I use for munging data on my personal projects, and even use it for SEO November 1, 2022 Tutorials Technology posts