Machine Learning Interpretability in RIn this video the presenter goes over a new R package called ‘iML.’ This package has a lot of power when explaining global and local feature September 28, 2018 AI Machine Learning h2oai posts

Why I Left RapidMinerFor those that are wondering why I left RapidMiner, my dream job, there are no gory details to share. The simple reason is I got burnt out. My time September 21, 2018 RapidMiner posts

Matrix Factorization for Missing ValuesI stumbled across an interested reddit post about using matrix factorization (MF) for imputing missing values. The original poster was trying to September 12, 2018 h2oai AI Machine Learning posts

Why (most) Twitter Bots SuckI’m going to be the first to admit that I use Python to send out Tweets to my followers. I have a few scripts that parse RSS feeds and do retweets September 9, 2018 AI Machine Learning Python posts

MLI Using LIME FrameworkI found this talk to be fascinating. I’ve been a big fan of LIME but never really understood the details of how it works under the hood. I September 7, 2018 AI Machine Learning h2oai zettelkasten

MLI Using LIME FrameworkI found this talk to be fascinating. I’ve been a big fan of LIME but never really understood the details of how it works under the hood. I September 7, 2018 AI Machine Learning h2oai posts

Millennials are Bailing on their jobsI find this somewhat older post fascinating. It would appear that more and more millennials are waking up and realizing that there’s more to life September 6, 2018 Millennials Personal Development posts

Unsupervised Machine Learning Translation‘ Our new approach provides a dramatic improvement over previous state-of-the-art unsupervised approaches and is equivalent to supervised September 2, 2018 AI Machine Learning posts

RapidMiner Text Mining ResourcesJust some Text Mining resources in RapidMiner that I found cool, helpful, and interesting. This list will be updated as I find more links. Using August 22, 2018 Blog posts

Python, RapidMiner, and Carriage ReturnsI’ve been working on some Python code for a RapidMiner process. What I want to do is simplify my Instagram Hashtag Tool and make it go faster. Part August 22, 2018 Python RapidMiner Tutorials posts