Gold to Silver Ratio Forecast for 1 week ahead
Note: The following gold to silver ratio forecasting model is v0.4 and price forecasts for Friday’s close during regular US trading days.
Price Summary & Forecast
Gold To Silver Ratio closed this week to: 85.61, from 89.51 last week.
The percent change was -4.36 percent.
The price forecast for next Friday’s close is: 85.87.
The swing price forecast targets are: 77.78 low, 97.01 high.
Gold to Silver Ratio Chart
Weekly Gold To Silver Ratio Price Chart
Gold to Silver Ratio Trend Chart
Weekly Gold To Silver Ratio Trend Chart
Note: A high Gold to Silver ratio typically means that Silver is favored over Gold. Conversely, a low Gold to Silver ratio means that Gold is favored over Silver. This post was autogenerated on: 2024-03-16 06:42:03.671060